Sunday, November 15, 2009

Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods

This article was posted on by Ethan Huff. It states that genetically modified foods have serious adverse health risks with an occurence rate that is higher than most believe. The health risks brought on by GM foods include rapid aging, severe alterations to major bodily organs, infertility, immune problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and disruption to proper insulin regulation. This article goes as far as stating that "the drastic detioration in Americans' health in recent years can be attributed to GMOs being introduced into their diets." Evidence for this has been seen in animal testing, in which mice and pigs fed with GM foods have experienced birthind complications.
Some of these effects have been seen in earlier posts. A new negative effect of GM foods brought on by this article is the possibility of the genes of genetically modified foods being transplanted into the DNA of the intestinal tract, disrupting its function and potentially causing the human stomach to produce pesticides.
A large debate surround GM foods and American healthcare deals with the FDA. This article accuses the FDA of ignoring obvious negative effects of GM foods and promoting them as safe. The current policy of the FDA concerning GM foods states that safety studies are not required or necessary. In the United States healthcare debate, the FDA's role in determining the safety of GM foods must be amplified.
This article alerts the public to the risks of GM foods and provides ways to avoid these risks. It calls for people to avoid products such as corn starch and corn meal, since they are often genetically modified, even without a label that states it. After reading this article, the public would certainly be active against, or at least aware of, the use of genetically modified techniques in their food. This article doesn't necessarily contradict any others, but it does report a much higher rate of the negative health effects of GM foods. It is certainly biased, with no information on the benefits of GM foods.

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